How to Find out the Pain Points of Your Webinar Audience ?
How about to serve non-vegetarian food to the guests
who never tasted that food ?
You can imagine the intensity of the response from your guest .
The host has to find a shelter to stay away from the angry guests.
Same can be happened , if you presented a webinar topic that is
not expected by the participants.
Webinar participants always have some expectations.
They have some pain points to be addressed.
Pain points are problems .
That may be career problem , business problem, money
problem or relation problem ….
Some pain points are to be discovered and suggested the solution .
Some problems are easily visible. Some needs to be uncovered.
Deep digging is needed to uncover the hidden problem.
Five Why Question Model
We can use five why question model for deep digging.
Example : One person says he is going to start a business . Ask 5 why questions .
Question 1: What do you want to do?
Answer : I want to do business
Question 2 : Why do want to do business?
Answer : Make more money.
Question 3: Why do you want more money?
Answer : I want to buy a BMW car ?
Question 4 : Why need to buy a BMW ?
Answer : To visit to relative’s house.
Question 5 : Why do you visit the relatives house in BMW ?
Answer : To show my ability to them who always pull me down.
The real issue uncovered at the fifth question.
The real purpose of doing business is entirely different from the first answer.
Any underlying problems can be diagnosed by using this method.
The pain points and solution should be reflected in the webinar title .
Why people want to join in a webinar ?
They can do lot of things instead of attending a webinar.
There is a compelling reason — to get a solution for their problem or getting new information which can be improved their quality of life .
The first step of resolving a problem is to uncover and acknowledge it .
Some times the audience are not aware of the silent problems.
Uncover the problem and offer a solution.
Define the ideal audience is very important .
Example — A financial coach want to help the people who have money problem.
The problem of the poor people is lack of money.
The problem of the rich is abundance of money that has to be managed efficiently.
Look at the two titles .
1. Make Money from online without investment
2. How to multiple money without tax liability ?
In the first webinar title is targeting the people who are financially struggling. These people are interested to make money from online . But the problem is no money to invest.
The second webinar title is focused for rich people who would like to multiply the money. But the pain point of the rich is tax liability . That problem is addressed here.
Understanding the needs and pain points of the participants will help to achieve the webinar goals.
How to find the pain points ?
Do some research work on internet. Type the key word on google search bar .
Example -How to make money online is a key word that brings lot of search enquiries as visible in the picture.

How to make money from You tube ?
How to make money fast ?
You can pick up any of the key words as per the goal of the webinar.
Doing a survey by using google forms is another method.
Quora, Answer the Public , Buzz Sumo ,Linkedin, face book Page and groups can be used as resources .
Join industry forums and speak directly with people.
If you have customer mail list , ask them about their difficulties .
If you conducted any webinar previously , look at chat box .
Some points can be found out.
Webinar topic to the customer journey
Understand the stage of the customer journey is very crucial for a winning webinar topic. Customer journey has five stages .
1. Awareness — The first stage , the customer begins to gather information.
2. Consideration — The second stage , the customer researches solutions, finds a brand and compares with others .
3. Decision — The third stage , the customer converts as a buyer
4. Loyalty — The fourth stage the focuses is retaining customers.
5. Advocacy — The fifth stage focuses on turning customers into the
advocates of a company .
Webinar goal
webinar goals refers to the performance expectations of the webinar.
Webinar goals may be to attain 500 webinar attendees. You can set goals based on previous performance. Suppose your last webinar received 300 sign-ups, you may want to set a goal of 500 registrations for next event.
Your audience goals can be the action you want your audience to be taken. These could be conversion based (Example to sell 250 digital products)
The goal can be revenue based .Example- Get I crore income from 24 webinars
To determine make webinar and audience goals, make sure that it should be SMART goal-setting method .( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and timely)
Webinars is a proven marketing tool to generate new leads.
By selecting webinar topic strategically , you can achieve your personal goal or company goal. Make sure that your webinar topic focuses on the audience not on your band or your needs.
Add value to customers life . Solve their problem in a better way .
Remember that add woods in the furnace first if you want heat .
Give me heat first then I add wood in the furnace attitude will never work.
Solve the customer problem first then they will help to achieve your goal.